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  • Writer's pictureEvan van Dyk

Here are some best practices for vehicle expense tracking for small business owners in Canada

  1. Keep track of all vehicle expenses: It is important to keep track of all expenses related to your business vehicles, including fuel, maintenance, insurance, and any other costs. This will help you accurately calculate your business expenses and deductions when it comes time to file your taxes.

  2. Use a mileage tracker: A mileage tracker can help you accurately track the distance you travel for business purposes. There are many options available, including smartphone apps, GPS devices, and in-vehicle tracking systems.

  3. Keep accurate records: Make sure to keep all receipts and invoices related to your vehicle expenses. You should also keep a log of all business-related trips, including the date, destination, purpose, and distance traveled.

  4. Take advantage of tax deductions: In Canada, business owners can claim a deduction for the cost of operating a vehicle for business purposes. This includes fuel, maintenance, insurance, and other expenses. To claim these deductions, you will need to keep accurate records of your vehicle expenses.

  5. Review your expenses regularly: Regularly reviewing your vehicle expenses can help you identify any areas where you may be able to save money, such as by consolidating trips or negotiating better rates with suppliers.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that you are accurately tracking your vehicle expenses and maximizing your tax deductions.

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